play play

Meat Rascals, 2021

Performed at WaterFront Immersive Arts Festival
Austin, Texas

Ensemble: Ariel Atlas, Jenna Doherty, Samantha Guss, Lee Anne Meeks

Photos courtesy of 2infinity


“Never will I ever not have fun.” An immersive horror play about playing and reveling in false youth.

“Never will I ever drink the giggly juice.” At the start of the piece, audience members who wish to participate receive glow-in-the-dark bracelets so that the performers know with whom to engage.


Photo courtesy of Lou Zylka

Photo courtesy of Lou Zylka


“Never will I ever know what love is.” Participating audience members help craft the ritual, engaging in group chants, activity, and - of course - punishment.


Untitled Meat Play [in progress]